تورهای ویژه

Family companies


In HEGTA Group, some of the biggest and most famous companies which are the brands of tourism industry have been gathered to offer the best services to the tourists. These famous companies are Homa Hotel Group, Raja Railway Company, Iran Touring & Tourism Company, Dehkadeh Saheli Company and Abadgaran Touristic & Welfare Company and finally, the Tamin International Company of Travel & Tourism Services. Therefore, the membership of Tamin Company in HEGTA has the excellent advantage of close collaboration with these well-known companies. For more information about the other parts of HEGTA, please click on the following logos:

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About Us

  1. By meeting the relevant conditions and qualifications, the supply company has various licenses and approvals from local and foreign competent authorities and organizations and provides the following important services (with special conditions):

    * Implementation of specialized plans for health monitoring, screening and health tourism

    * Selling domestic and foreign airline tickets

    * General agent for selling train tickets of Raja Rail Transport Company, Safir and Fedak agent

    * Designing and implementing targeted tours (exhibition, health, tourism, recreation, culture, education, sports and pilgrimage)

    * Designing and conducting specialized conferences and conducting conferences or exhibitions based on customer orders

    * Design and implementation of nature tourism, eco-tourism, desert hiking and sea tours, naturopathy

    * Designing and implementing creative, specialized and business recreational tours for employees of organizations and companies

    * Providing transfer services, ceremonies and...

    * Designing and implementing credit travel plans for employees

    * Cooperation in the reservation and allocation of domestic and foreign accommodation centers (with special facilities)

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Contact us

To contact us, use the following information or use the contact form.:



  2nd Floor, No. 24, Building 64,

Near the Sarmayeh Bank, Fatemi Square,  


Postal Code: 1415795540

Telephone:   +98(21)88991058-59

E-mail:         info@tamintravel.com

تمامی حقوق برای شرکت بین‌المللی تأمین محفوظ میباشد.

طراحی سایت توسط: پارسی‌تک